Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Downtown Love

Some people are calling on Hillary to drop out of the race. That would devastate me. I need her. I need Hillary.

In local news...I slept very little. The wine put me to sleep in my chair in front of the tv, but I awoke dazed a few hours later and stumbled into bed, too wasted even to undress. This was too often my usual procedure before the change and it bothers me that I continue to act like this. After a night of getting a load on, I inevitably arise in the morning belching and farting up a storm. Let's face it...no one will want to share my bed unless I cut this out. As a man, I was utterly clueless in this regard. God, it is amazing what hormones can do....

I really need to put myself out there. Must make some adjustments.

I decided to immerse myself--very slowly, gently--into the ocean of local politics...just stick my toes in the water to test it out. (You might not believe this, but in my previous life, I was a radical....possibly the Abbey Hoffman of the trans world.) Trying to figure out who all the local politicos are. Also, there is a real possibility I could meet a love interest downtown and I am gearing myself up for that.

Going to walk back into town today, see what's going on. Hopefully, my car will be fixed soon. Really need to make an Acme run.

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