Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Penis Talk

Can I be frank with you?

Let me ask you something. Does the penis make the man? Does it define him? Because, honestly I can't wait to lose mine.

I read in People magazine today that a man is pregnant. He was born a she, had a double radical mastectomy, took testosterone and changed his gender to "male" on his driver's license. He is married to the woman who used to be his lesbian lover, who already has two grown children of her own and is too old to carry a pregnancy. They contemplated hiring a surrogate, but they couldn't afford one. Not to be deterred, her husband decided that since he still has a uterus, he would become inseminated with donor sperm and become this child's mother and father. There is something peculiarly ingenius about this.

A psychiatrist commented that by having a double mastectomy but not a hysterectomy, that there must be some uncertainty there, some hesitation to really go all the way. But you know, folks, I can tell you from experience, gender reassignment surgery is not cheap.

On second thought...the shrink could be on to something. The transman in the magazine article also made the decision to never have a phalloplasty. Wow. Let's face it: What kind of man doesn't want a dick? The only answer, of course, is....a man like me...or...the man I used to be.

Food for thought: Does the penis make the woman?


Anonymous said...

"Let me ask you something. Does the penis make the man? Does it define him?

Only in his own mind, Frank. LOL

Anonymous said...

THE BUDDHA says all sexual organs are only cause suffering. You must rise above it. On the other hand THE BUDDHA may be wrong.