Tonight, almost a whole fish-shaped bottle of Pinot Grigio by myself.
Try as I might to lose my old ways, some of my man habits remain. I no longer have to shave my face, but I still love a good stiff one. During my walk into town today, I saw a place called Molly Maguire's and I so wished I had some friends to sit at the bar and have a few with me.
Lots of folks looking at this blog and my MySpace page. Surely, I will make some friends soon.
I will walk back into town tomorrow, see what's going on.
Try as I might to lose my old ways, some of my man habits remain. I no longer have to shave my face, but I still love a good stiff one. During my walk into town today, I saw a place called Molly Maguire's and I so wished I had some friends to sit at the bar and have a few with me.
Lots of folks looking at this blog and my MySpace page. Surely, I will make some friends soon.
I will walk back into town tomorrow, see what's going on.
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